【五個能讓你心情平靜的方法】1.將最艱巨的任務放在早晨;2.放開你不能控制的事情;3.不必擔心別人的想法;4.列出三件你喜愛的事情;5 走向窗前望向窗外,深呼吸。不信的話,你試試體味一下!
廣東離子交換樹脂設備¥%廣西離子交換樹脂設備物理性能(1)外觀 Resin is a transparent or translucent material, its composition is different, different colors, such as styrene resin is yellow, there were black and rufous, but had little effect on performance, under normal circumstances, raw material impurities or crosslinking agent, resin in a slightly darker shade ( but the resin in the process of operation, for various reasons, sometimes the color will change ). Resin shape is spherical, required circular rate achieves 90% above.
(2)粒度 離子交換樹脂顆粒的大小將影響交換速度、壓力損失、反洗效果等。顆粒大小不能相差太大。用于水處理的離子交換樹脂的顆粒以20-40目為宜,粒度的表示方法以有效粒徑和不均勻系數來表示。(3)密度 Turn the water treatment process and resin filling quantity, density of the said method : dry density ( generally about 1.6g/cm3), wet true density ( in general between 1.04-1.30g/cm3), as the wet density ( between 0.60-0.80g/cm3 in general ).
(4)含水率 樹脂的含水率越大,表示孔隙率越大,交聯度越小。(5)溶脹率 樹脂浸水之后要溶脹,它與交聯度、活性基團、交換容量、水中電解質密度、可交換離子的性質等有關。離子交換樹脂在交換與再生過程中會發(fā)生脹縮現象,多次脹縮樹脂易破裂。(6)耐磨性 反映樹脂的機械強度,它應保證每年樹脂耗量不超過7%。(7 )溶解性 樹脂內含有低聚合物要逐漸溶解,在樹脂使用過程中也會發(fā)生膠溶。(8)耐熱性 Yang Shuzhi temperature of 100degrees Celsius, strong alkali anion resin is resistant to 60degrees Celsius Chong, weakly basic anion exchange resin is resistant to temperature of 80 degrees celsius. But in less than or equal to 0degrees Celsius, freeze and broken。(9)導電性 干樹脂不導電,濕樹脂可導電。二、廣東離子交換樹脂設備¥%廣西離子交換樹脂設備化學性能(1)離子交換樹脂的交換反應具有可逆性,因此即可以交換。也可以再生,可反復使用。(2)具有酸、堿