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- 產品品牌:德國PTL
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- 更新日期:2016-01-12 16:34:28
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PTL Pendulum Impact-Test Apparatus
to test the mechanical strength with impact energies of 0,14 J up to 1,0 Jaccording toIEC 60068-2-75:1997-08 § 4.2 Tab. 1 and Tab. 2, similar Annex D,Striking element according to Table 1, ? 18.5 mm, equivalent mass 0.25 kg, impact energies and heights of fall according to Table 2.
Standard Outfit:1tubular pendulum arm of steel, external diameter 9 mm, wall thickness 0.5 mm, pendulum length 1 000 mm effective,1striking element, mass 200 g, spherical segment-shaped polyamide insert R 10 mm, 85 ≤ HRR ≤ 100 Rockwell hardness,1base frame, height 1 270 mm, width 200 mm, with bores for screws for mounting on a wall,1extension arm, vertically adjustable, with horizontally adjustable pendulum pivot,1extension arm, vertically adjustable, with release mechanism for the pendulum, scale for height of fall horizontally adjustable,1Mounting Fixture according to  IEC 60068-2-75:1997-08 Annex D Fig. D.3, with steel block 175 mm x 210 mm x 35 mm, mass 10 kg, turn able around its vertical axis and to be clamped with tommy screws, sheet of plywood 175 mm x 175 mm x 8 mm, in clamping rails moveable to the sides and to be turned in steps of 90° around its central axis rectangular to the sheet of plywood.Design:Base frame papyrus-white structure varnished, steel parts black-oxide-finished or made of stainless steel,Pendulum Impact-Test ApparatusArticle No.:F 40.25
Accessory:Mounting Block for testing flush-type specimens,
similar to  IEC 60068-2-75  Annex D Fig. D.4,made of beech 125 mm x 125 mm x 50 mm, with through bore diameter 65 mm, on plywood sheet 175 mm x 175 mm x 8 mm,
Article No.:F 40.63